
Summer Breath

Summer Breath. 


Free cool summer breeze whispers through my hair


I am here

You are felt 

You are held 

And all the while I thought I was the one experiencing the wind 

Turns out she loves to kiss me back 

How funny to realize that she’s moving me 

Know how she moves me

How she moves me

And how funny to realize that fear is only courage becoming known 

And that tears are really joy

Finally coming home 


Outside of me 

Beyond me 

From within me

I am blessed

For knowing she 

For letting her move me 

Know how she moves me Text & Lied - Savanna 


Olivia und ich laden ein.

Zu einem Atemraum. Ganz zart. Voller Kraft. 

Voller Freude. 

Voller Sommer.

Voller Leben. 




Kommt mit uns. Flieg mit uns. Tauch ein. Mit uns. In uns. In UNS. 


In und aus, Liebe. 


Montag morgen. Den 02.09.2024 um 9.30 Uhr. Kostenlos via ZOOM. 

Schreib uns gerne für den Link.

Wir freuen uns. Sehr. 



Philipp & Olivia

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